Herman Miller Aeron Stool Chair


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The Aeron Chair – The Masterpiece that has been Remastered!
While the stools iconic form has remained largely unchanged, its been remastered to meet the needs of todays work. The stool offers the same ergonomic excellence as the Aeron Chair, including adjustable PostureFit SL and the comprehensive support of 8Z Pellicle suspension material.

The Aeron Stool offers unique features and user benefits not typically found in performance work stools. The footrest platform, which, at 6 cm wide, is three times wider than the typical foot ring, was specifically designed to provide a large, comfortable area to support your feet. This reduces the pressure and resulting discomfort thats usually created with a smaller foot ring.

When you adjust the seat height of the Aeron Stool, the footrest moves with the seat so that you dont have to worry about having to readjust the footrest height as well. Treads along the footrest also ensure that sitting down in and getting up out of the stool feel comfortable and easy.


New design innovations to the Aeron include zoned suspension, enhanced spinal support, and intuitive adjustments for enhanced comfort.

Key Design Features:
– One of the key design features that Herman Miller designers focus on is for individuals sitting in Aeron that experiences a cross-performance design. Which means the ergonomic chair fully accommodates the widest possible range of activities and postures people adopt while working, from intense, forward-facing focus to relaxed, contemplative recline.
Natural Movement: It has been show that staying in one position reduces the natural pumping action of the muscles that deliver nutrients to the inter-vertebral disks. The Aeron chairs tilt allows it to move with the body in such a natural way that people can shift from forward to reclining postures intuitively. With the new Aerons slimmer and updated tilt mechanism it delivers an even more seamless experience of movement (and stillness) to the sitter through a smoother trajectory and optimal balance point. Aeron is designed to keep people in contact with the back of the chair and in control of their continuous movement throughout the entire range of recline.
Improved Sacral/Lumbar Support: The PostureFit in 2002 that was designed for the Aeron Chair was developed to provide back support that comfortably sustains the pelvis in its natural forward tilt the position the body holds while standing powerfully upright. Today, by incorporating adjustable sacral and lumbar support, PostureFit SL is able to support the sacral region as well as nurture the natural S-shape of the spine, rotate the pelvis forward, and activate healthful postureall while sitting upright. A secondary pad provides comfort and support to the lumbar region of the spine. Together, they help strengthen the spine to produce what Herman Miller calls power posture”.

New 8Z Pellicle offers extraordinary comfort through eight varied zones of tension in the seat and back. Designed around the human anatomy to better envelop the sitter.Each of 8Z Pellicles zones serves a specific purpose. Four tight zones engage the sitter and are the first point of contact with the suspension material to reinforce a healthful seated posture. Two nesting zones provide a lower amount of tension to cradle the sit bones and scapulars and reduce pressure in those areas. Two zones of stabilization accommodate the key muscle groups of the sitter at a healthy angle without letting the body sink into the chair. Together, the zones deliver the preemptive support the body needs to stay active throughout the day.The new 8Z Pellicle also allows body heat to pass through to help maintain an even and comfortable skin temperature.

Dimensions: This chart below considers your height and weight so that your Aeron Chair gives the right support to your body height and mass. The Aeron Chair is available in three different sizes A, B, and C.

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